Do you know what your child’s learning style is? Understanding your child’s learning style is the best way to assist them with their studies. According to the VARK system, there are four types of learning styles—visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. The VARK model was designed by Neil Fleming in 1987, VARK being an acronym for the various learning styles. Neil was a teacher from New Zealand whose main research was focused on how people learn and communicate. Not only was he a teacher to students, he was a teacher to teachers at Lincoln University, and at one point a senior inspector for over 100 high schools. Although the VARK system was designed by Neil Fleming, he submitted papers and further research into the subject with Colleen Mills, who was also a teacher trainer at Lincoln University.

Children or Teens with a visual learning style often create notes with lots of colours, highlighters and organisation. They prefer when information is presented visually, in graphs or diagrams, for example. They will often draw pictures of what they are learning and pay attention more when there are demonstrations. Visual learners retain information and understand better when they SEE what they are learning displayed graphically.

I have a friend that always remembers everyone’s names, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. She often surprises me by wishing me for things, like business anniversaries, and I am always amazed at how well she remembers. She is a great example of an auditory learner. Auditory learners remember things best by HEARING them. Listening to a teacher present information will help them remember it better and reading/saying information out loud may help them to study better.

Reading / Writing
Read/Write Learners will often write and rewrite their notes while studying. They prefer information displayed as words. They will learn best while making WRITTEN notes in class, reading textbooks and looking at PowerPoint presentations that contain mainly text information.

The Kinesthetic/Tactile learning style refers to those who learn better by TOUCH (or their other senses), or by PRACTICALLY doing something. They are more hands-on and often learn by trial and error. My nephew is a kinesthetic learner, he loves to take things apart, learn how they work and put them back together again. Kinesthetic learners appreciate case studies and learning through their own experience.

Find out your child’s learning style
Your child may use one or more of these learning styles. Here you will find a test which older children can complete to identify their learning skills: As an adult, it may be interesting to note what you are drawn to on this blog post. Were you more interested in the information/words (Reading), the diagram below (Visual), the test (maybe Kinesthetic) or did you scroll right down to the video (Audio / Visual). In the same way, you can observe your child’s natural learning style/s by reviewing what they are naturally drawn to, especially when learning new concepts.

A Video Explanation
Sometimes we all need a little help!
With moms and dads being so busy, it is sometimes hard to make enough time to assist your child in all areas needed.
Teach Me 2 helps you connect with tutors who will be able to help your child learn in the way that suits their learning style. They do all the hard work, in finding tutors, so that you can get started right away in helping your child reach their full potential.
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