Here we go!
Happy New Year to all of you!
It’s the first week of my 52 blog posts. It’s also new year and a special anniversary for my family. It’s such a special day!
So I’ll make this brief as we have lots to celebrate. 2017 was a full year packed with growth and learning but it was also a difficult year so I’m not that sad to say goodbye.
Hello 2018
What are your plans for today? Have you written down some New Year’s resolutions?
My studies start basically on Thursday so no rest for the wicked as they say, ha ha. School is also starting soon and then bang we are busy with the New Year and all my hats will be working overtime. Life of a mom, right?!
To my Dear friend who broke his ankle and fractured his fibia just before new year – Sorry, sorry. We hope you feel better soon!
To all of you, all the best for 2018 ♥
2018 – Here we go!
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