Humble and perhaps plain in its natural state, the cauliflower can be transformed into just about any flavour or texture you ask it to! It is a blank canvas ready to be transformed into a cooking masterpiece.
In addition to being really versatile, cauliflower has some wonderful qualities. Here are just a few:
- It promotes Heart Health: Cauliflower helps in maintaining the heart and the cardiovascular system.
- It lowers Cholesterol Levels: Cauliflower’s nutritional benefits include it being a rich source of fiber. This fiber helps in lowering our cholesterol levels.
- It builds a Healthy Immune System: Cauliflower also contains antioxidants which act as an anti-inflammatory agent and help build a healthy immune system.
- It Promotes Weight Loss: Cauliflower also helps us to lose weight. Cauliflower contains vitamin C which is key in burning fat. It also contains folate which again helps in weight loss. One cup of cauliflower contains about 30 calories. It is one of the non-starchy food items that can be eaten in unlimited quantity.
- It Detoxifies the Body System: Cauliflower helps the body to activate enzymes in the liver that aids in detoxifying many organs thus protecting the system from any harm
- It Aids in Fighting Cancer: Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has also been shown to kill cancer stem cells, thereby slowing tumor growth. Some researchers believe eliminating cancer stem cells may be key to controlling cancer.
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I asked you what your favourite Cauliflower recipe was and this is what YOU said:
I just steam the cauliflower in my steamer for 15 min…love the warm taste of natural veggies.
Cauliflower mash is our absolute best!
Other ideas were:
- Add steamed cauliflower to mashed potatoes to sneak more vegetables in your dinner.
- Purée cauliflower and use it to create a healthier pasta sauce.
- Use cauliflower to make a healthier pizza base
For some traditional indulgence, here is a video explaining how to make the classic Cauliflower Cheese. What is your favourite recipe? Share it below!
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