
Stop the Mommy Wars!

Connecticut Working Moms has posted a series of empowering photos, encouraging women to stop judging one another, and asking moms everywhere to end to the mommy wars!

Michelle says:

Personally I think the mommy wars were created by the media as a way to pit women against each other and gain ratings and I just don’t want to be a part of that. I am soooo over it. Who cares if some moms choose to homeschool vs. use public schools or if some moms breastfeed and others don’t or if some moms let their kids watch more TV than others? The only choices we have control over are our own. What another mom chooses is her decision – who are we to judge that? And when you really think about it – what’s the point? It feels so much better to treat people kindly with loving intentions than to go straight to a place of judgment. We should be supporting women’s decisions instead of critiquing them and making snap judgments based off our limited knowledge of other people’s situations.


To view more of the photo shoot, click here.

Perhaps we can try and, as Michelle says, “end the mommy wars, once and for all, by tapping into our compassion and letting go of our judgments.” – it starts with being less critical and more loving towards ourselves!

What has been your experience? Tell us below!

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