UPDATE: I have noticed that a lot of people are visiting this post in anticipation of summer. These really are amazing swimsuits, I am not surprised! However, you may have noticed that Promenade Swimwear closed. I caught up with Geathe and she so kindly gave me the info that we need. Promenade Swimwear sold the patterns to Betty Bombshell Swimear and you can now find them here: Betty Bombshell Swimwear
I first met Geathe while my daughter was at a swimming lesson. Geathe is a lovely, down-to-earth, value-orientated person who is passionate about her business, her family and her faith. Geathe has created gorgeous, MODEST swimming costumes that make you feel amazing no matter the size. In fact, most of her business, Geathe admits, is real women with real bodies (not XXXS) and she just loves that!

The fantastic thing about her swimwear is that it makes you feel amazing and looks good on all different shapes and sizes. I wasn’t convinced…but when I tried it on…I was amazed. It cuts in just the right places to make you feel slimmer, it is modest but still gorgeous and you can choose your preferred colour and style.

Geathe started this business not only because she had a passion for the swimwear but also because she has a passion for her family and she wanted to start a business where she could spend more time with her family while doing something she loved!

People are just loving Geathe’s swimwear. Recently, at Kamersvol Geskenke, her swimwear was named Best Product and I am sure this is just the first of many awards. All the best Geathe, we are rooting for you! Well done for creating something modest and absolutely gorgeous!

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