Today we are praying for our country. Please join us, whatever faith you belong to.
Today, I am fasting for you and for me. Please be patient during this pandemic. Also, please don’t hurt each other, please don’t turn on each other. Please stand together.
Your coming together to rebuild South Africa makes my soul sing. I see it happening all around me. The impression I had this morning was that we can’t change the world overnight, but we can make a difference in our own home. We can make a difference in our own community. You are making that difference and you are amazing!
I wish I could take away your pain, I wish everyone had enough (because, truth be told, there is enough if we all lift, teach and help each other). Looting and damaging buildings and roads doesn’t hurt the government nor the rich, it hurts your brothers and sisters, and it hurts the economy. The poor will get poorer. There must be another way. If you need to speak up and out against an injustice, do it, but in a respectful way. Also, being racist or not having compassion for those who have less than you, doesn’t help either. Let’s not do that.
I pray this pandemic is quickly overcome, but let us be patient. I pray those who are without are blessed, in honourable ways; and that they then go on to bless others. I believe in you South Africa. This is just a bump in the road. It’s been hard, I know. We will continue to prove that we are one, we are that rainbow nation and our colours and hearts are beautiful.
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