So, we decided to do something a little crazy the weekend before my 40th, we decided to go camping right on the doorstep of winter. I am not a camper, and I do enjoy my creature comforts, but I wanted to do something different and that is exactly what we did. We booked our stay on the Kaleo Guest Farm and, upon our arrival, we were greeted by panoramic views and a flock of sheep with baby lambs; it was as if they had just popped out of a story book.
Kaleo has a greek meaning of ‘to be called’, at Kaleo Guest Farm you are called away from it all to enjoy the slow pace of country living.

We set up camp and though Claudi had warned us how cold it was on the farm currently this was something you can only understand from experience, and we experienced it. The first night was so cold that by the morning ice had begun to form on our tents and cars. I was very grateful that Claudi had doubled our wood order for the first night. That evening we sat around the fire and caught up with old friends; even the cold air couldn’t disturb our warm hearts. True friendship is something so valuable and so rare.

The rest of the time there was much warmer and, in fact, the Saturday that we were there was such an amazing day. The children had so much fun in the play area and the adults rested and explored the camp. The food turned out so well; we made Mac & Cheese on the fire the first night we were there – best Mac & Cheese I have ever had – an idea I discovered on Pinterest. I love Pinterest! It was a wonderful weekend and at night when we looked up we saw the most stars I have ever seen. It was breathtaking!

I would definitely recommend Kaleo Guest Farm if you would like to get away from it all (and you don’t need to camp, there are other cosier options), and I would definitely recommend doing something different every now and again to get you to think differently about things, get more creative and appreciate all that you have. Take time to slow down with your family, time goes so quickly and you will treasure these memories for years to come.

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