
Art Supplies

Every Mom (and Dad) knows how difficult it is to keep kids art supplies organised and accessible. When the kids ask to get crafty, the following words may even come to mind – mess, clutter, effort!


Art Supply Organising Tips

The first tip I would give to parents is, if it is in a box (and it doesn’t need to be) take it out. Keeping things in boxes takes up a lot of space and makes them less accessible.

Secondly, find or make a storage container that can carry or hold all the art supplies. In the picture below we used a shoe holder but you can make various storage options work for you according to the age and needs of the child.

If you use something similar you can conveniently store all the “less messy” items that the kids can access themselves (like crayons, pencils, paper, loom bands, etc.) at the bottom. When the kids want to get crafty they can access some things themselves but you can keep those messy items that require supervision (like acrylic paints, perhaps) higher up.


Plus, you can see what you have and what you need at a glance. No more searching for paint brushes!

How do you store art supplies? Tell me what you struggle (or have found success) with in the comments below!

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