With school holidays around the corner, I thought it apt that to give you some ideas to entertain the kids while trying to stay warm indoors…
Winter Printables – There are lots of puzzles and colouring in pages on the internet that kids will love and you can print these for free! Try choosing a theme for the week and then do something different everyday that centres around that theme.
Winter Recipes – There is nothing better than something home-baked or just-out-of-the-oven on a winter’s day. Select an age appropriate recipe that your kids can help you with. Enjoy!
Edible Snowmans and other treats – Make edible snowmen and stars from marshmallows, raisins, sweets, icing or whatever you have in your cupboard. You can also make a healthier version using fruits and vegetables or you can make snowman sandwiches.
Shrinking Icebergs – This is great for younger kids. Put a few ice blocks (great if you can get animal-shaped ice trays) in warm water and let your kids play with them and see how they melt and get smaller and smaller.
Write your own story – Help your children to write their own story. Let them draw pictures to go with each page and then read the story together!
Have a “Senses” Party – Put a few things that your children can taste, smell or feel in different bowls and then blindfold each child and see if they can identify what each item is using their senses. You can make it more interesting for older kids by adding prizes and forfits, etc.
Make up a pass-along-story – Fill a bag with safe, household items. Begin the story by taking out the first item. Each person must take out the next item and carry on the story. The person to take out the last item must tie up the plot and end the story!
Build a Fort – This is a great idea for dads or creative moms! Build an indoor fort with chairs, pillows, blankets and whatever else you can think of! Kids will love this. Torches and a few snacks will make this the ultimate fun!
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