
8 Week Injection

Hesitantly you enter the doctor’s/clinic’s room preparing yourself for your baby’s first ‘shots’….

It is never an easy thing to see your poor baby, which you have nurtured and loved for all of eight weeks, being injected with diseases via a needle which you yourself cringe at the sight of!

Nevertheless, these first injections are so essential for your little one and we are blessed that medicine has advanced so much in such a small space of time!

What does the 8 Week Injection consist of?

Immunisation against the following diseases: Diphtheria, Tetanus and acellular or whole-cell pertussis (DTP) and Haemophilus influenza type B combined. As well as, Hepatitis B (Hb) and polio.

  • Diphtheria – easily spread through coughing and/or sneezing and can be fatal. Causes paralysis as well as breathing and heart problems.
  • Tetanus – can be fatal. Can also cause muscle spasms as well as breathing and heart problems.
  • Pertussis (whooping cough) – spread through coughing and/or sneezing. Children cough for more than three months and find it difficult to eat, drink or even breathe.
  • Haemophilus influenza – contagious bacterium which can be fatal. Can cause pneumonia, meningitis, infections of the joints, skin and blood.
  • Hepatitis B – virus that causes infection of the liver. It is very contagious and spreads mainly through blood, sexual contact or from mother to newborn. It can also cause Liver Cancer. This disease can be fatal and is second only to tobacco in causing cancer in humans.
  • Polio – contagious disease spread by faeces and saliva. It can be fatal or cause lifelong paralysis.

What is the difference between the state immunisation and private?

The State immunisation consists of a 4-in-1 injection, a single injection and Polio drops. It usually causes more post-vaccination symptoms.

The Private immunisation consists of a 6-in-1 injection.

How will my baby react to the injection?

Some Parents are extremely concerned about the immediate side effects their children experience after receiving vaccinations. Developing symptoms is, however, a positive indication as it confirms that their immune systems are responding to the antigens in the vaccines.

Needless to say, my little baby was not herself for quite a few days following her injection. Parents can give their little ones paracetamol (panado/calpol) syrup if they have post-vaccination symptoms such as fever, crying or irritability. This dose can be repeated every 6 hours for the next 24 hours by which time the symptoms should pass. I found that my little girl was irritable for 3 or 4 days after her injection, your results may vary.

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